Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.
Emma Mitra
Emma Stone
Kym Jacks-Bryant
There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
The PTA is a very important and exciting part of school life here at Salfords Primary School. One of the things that sets this school apart from many others is its sense of community where everyone works together for the ultimate good of our children. Many parents are surprised to learn what an important part the PTA plays in supporting the everyday function of a school. So we hope the following information will give you a better idea of what we do, and what you can do to help keep our children's school a happy and effective place to learn.
Salfords Primary School PTA, Copsleigh Avenue, Salfords, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5BQ
Registered with the Charity Commission as 1101731
2017 - 2024 Salfords Primary School PTA
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