Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.
There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
All parents and guardians of Poplar pupils are automatically members of the PTA, which is led by a committee of volunteers. The PTA Committee is elected at the AGM each February/March and take the lead in organising activities and events for the children and parents. Our aim is to help improve our children's education by raising money for things Poplar might not otherwise be able to afford and, importantly, to have fun while doing so. We would love for as many people as possible to get involved the Committee does need help! We all have busy lives but there are lots of different ways to contribute. For instance, whilst some of you might be interested in standing for election to the PTA Committee, others might prefer just to attend PTA meetings to find out what's going on, help out for half an hour on a stall at an event, source a donation for a raffle or simply bake a cake for a fair. It is your time, skills and experience that make the PTA what it is.
Poplar Primary PTA, Poplar Road South , Merton Park, London, England, SW19 3JZ
Registered with the Charity Commission as 1103926
2019 - 2024 Poplar Primary PTA
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