About the PTA
About the PTA
What does the PTA do?
The PTA organises and runs fundraising events throughout the year including discos, Easter Bingo, the Spring Quiz Night, this Summer Fayre, ice cream sales, the recent Shopping evening, the Christmas Fayre and the Christmas Secret Shopping to name a few.
What do the PTA fundraise for?
Schools are becoming more and more dependent on their PTAs for funds. The PTA has donated almost £20,000 to the school in the last two years to help pay for:
· the new multi sports area;
· new computers and iPads;
· new playground sheds;
· new School Book Corners;
· a living Nativity to visit the School;
· Workshops;
· Sport Kits; and
· new aprons.
How can you help the PTA?
As parents, you are AUTOMATICALLY a member of the PTA… your voice counts.
Your help, donations and support are hugely appreciated and it is only because of this generosity that we can continue to support the school.
You can support the PTA in a way that is flexible to you and your family from buying raffle tickets, donating a bottle for the tipsy tombola, volunteering to help at any of the PTA events (even if it’s only for 30 minutes) or coming along to a PTA meeting to help plan fun events, socials and get-togethers.
It's not just for mums – it’s important to our PTA, our school and our pupils to have dads represented on our committee too.
Help us continue to create lasting memories for our children.
Come along to our next PTA meeting. We hope to see you there! You can always email suggestions to pta@nshprimary.co.uk