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Donating to charity without paying tax on it.

Payroll Giving, also known as Give As You Earn (GAYE), is an easy, convenient and tax-effective way to make regular donations to charity.

With Payroll Giving, you can donate to the GSA straight from your gross salary (before tax is deducted) giving immediate tax relief on your donations.

It costs you less, to give more. 

It’s also free for you for employers to run, and some companies will match your donations – win-win!

How does it work?

For every £1 you donate, you only pay 60-80p (depending on your tax rate).

Example: Higher rate taxpayer donates £10 per month, only costs them £6 (£10 less 40% tax). So, by donating £72 per year, GSA receives £120!

How do I sign up?

  • Ask your HR/Employer if they have Payroll Giving set up.
  • If they do, simply let them know how much you’d like to donate each month and give them the GSA charity number (Greenway School Association – Registered charity number: 1064204) to get set up!
  • If not, it’s easy and free for them to get set up.
  • Pass them on to a company such as (there are other 3rd parties too) who offer a free service to employers and will look after all the admin for them.

Please ask the GSA if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help!

What’s on

Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.

Your Committee
  • Becky Barker

    Becky Barker

  • Megan Bartholomew

    Megan Bartholomew

  • Courtney Westwood

    Courtney Westwood

  • Laura Bushby

    Laura Bushby

  • Emma McCarthy

    Emma McCarthy

  • John Murray

    John Murray
    (Communications Officer)

  • Michelle Carnegie

    Michelle Carnegie
    (Planning Committee Member)

  • sarah Eaves

    sarah Eaves
    (Planning Committee Member)

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This is our EVENT TOTALISER where we track money raised from school events. Usually we total monies from events such as the Quiz Night, Christmas Fair, Silent Auction, Discos, Smarties Challenge, Fun Run, Summer Fair and Camping.

Look out here for events for the 2022/23 school year.

Please note money raised outside of events eg EasyFundraising, Shopping Vouchers, 100 Club, Parent Donations, GAYE etc are not included in this total.

Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

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