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1. Our aim and What we do

1. Our aim and What we do

Our Aim 

Frogmore Infant School PTA is a registered charity whose aim is to advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by:

  • Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.
  • Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

What we do

We work hard to provide opportunities, equipment and resources for the children, which the school budget could not otherwise afford. Funds are currently raised through organising events at the school including discos, Christmas and summer fairs, fun nights and sponsorship events, as well as having stalls at externally run events.

We also raise funds through a number of commission and donation based arrangements so that you can support us without it costing you a penny more than you were already going to spend!

What’s on

Colour run
03:00 - 19:00
Frogmore Junior School

Colour Run - volunteers needed!
11:00 - 20:00
Frogmore Junior School

McKenzie Cake Sale
15:15 - 15:45
Frogmore Infant School

Your Committee
  • Peter Napper

    Peter Napper

  • Alana Kerr-Collins

    Alana Kerr-Collins

  • Alex Wilbey

    Alex Wilbey

  • Jessica Hill

    Jessica Hill

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We are raising funds for additional RED reading books.

See other ways to help us raise funds from the About Us menu (3. How to help us raise funds)

Can you help?

We can’t put on these amazing events without your help. If you can help us, we still need the following volunteers:

Colour Run - volunteers needed! (Saturday 15 June)

Colour run - volunteers 14:06 - 14:06

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