Fireworks Night 2024
17:30 - 19:30
Felbridge Primary School, Crawley Down Road , Felbridge
Kelly Petch
Kate White
Rebecca Winsor
Sarah Rodway
There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
Last year, we raised £10,500. Let's see if we can make this year as successful!
Formerly known as the PTA, Friends of Felbridge Primary School are a registered charity who work to raise money to be spent on items that enrich the children’s experience at Felbridge Primary School.
We plan events that are fun and appealing to you and/or your children. We try to raise as much money as possible while being mindful that household budgets are tight. With schools under increasingly tight budgets, our work is even more essential.
Friends of Felbridge Primary School , Crawley Down Road, Felbridge, SURREY, RH19 2NT
Registered with the Charity Commission as 1005522
2021 - 2024 Friends of Felbridge Primary School
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