To make a donation, please change the value in the 'donate' box to whatever you'd like to give. Thank you for supporting ESJ!
Please also fill out a Gift Aid form. By completing the form, The Friends can boost your donation by 25% for no additional cost or effort on your part. Thanks!
Film Night October 2024 (Years 1-6)
17:30 - 19:15
Ely St John's Primary School
Help us raise funds for a library space our School! All money raised will go towards purchasing new books, furniture, displays and lighting to create a comfortable and welcoming space in which pupils of all ages can enjoy the pleasure of reading.
There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
Donate your old ESJ jumpers, cardigans and PE Kit at the School Office and help raise funds!
The Friends of Ely St John's Primary School, or 'The Friends' is a committee of parents, school representatives and members of our local community who meet with the aim of fundraising for the school and to provide additional enriching activities for our pupils. We support the school and its families in many ways, and each year we work towards a larger fundraising project to help pay for bigger things which fall outside the school's own budget. We are all volunteers and always looking for more people to join us!
Friends of Ely St John's, St John's Road, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 3BW
Registered with the Charity Commission as 1117367
2023 - 2024 Friends of Ely St John's
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