Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.
Maria Gordon
Philip Johnson
Jayne Lavelle
Sandrine Farrow
(Communications Officer)
Annie Darling
Aimee Clarke
(Event Coordinator)
Sara Higginbotham
(Event Coordinator)
Megan Turvey
(Event Coordinator)
Joanne Ward
(Nearly New Uniform)
There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
We exist to enhance every child's experience at Crackley Hall. A flourishing Parent Teacher Association (PTA) strengthens the relationship between parents and the school. The PTA organises a number of social and fundraising events during the year. Caregivers to children at Crackley Hall will automatically become members of the PTA. The committee itself meets once per half-term and always welcomes new team members. Our meetings are very relaxed and are a brilliant opportunity to meet other parents, grandparents, caregivers and members of staff. Our AGM takes place within the first few weeks of the September term. Our PTA has helped forge a very strong union between the parents, community and school, and organises several fundraising and social events throughout the school year, for both the children and their families to enjoy.
Crackley Hall PTA, St Joseph's Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2FT
2019 - 2024 Crackley Hall PTA
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