Please click here and follow the instructions to request your password be reset. If you are still encountering difficulties, please email with more information and we will verify your registration then reset your password.

There could be many reasons why you didn’t receive an order confirmation email from us.

Firstly, please first check your spam or junk mail folder to check it hasn’t been filtered in there.

Secondly, please ensure you add to your contact list or safe sender / white list.

Finally, if you are using an email service provider such as Hotmail or AOL please be advised that they restrict the volume of messages that can be received from a sender and therefore you should download your tickets from "My Account" section of the Bottisham Community Primary School PTA website.

Generally no. We will have lists of the pupils registered for events such as school discos and film nights.

If tickets are required for specific events we will inform you. 

If you purchased products that showed a QR Code you should have received an order confirmation email from Bottisham Community Primary School PTA using the following email address: .

In the email is a PDF attachment containg all your tickets. Unfortunately, the IOS mail app has issues rendering PDF’s so although you can see an attachment icon you can’t actually see the PDF. You can download a copy of your tickets from the "My Account" section of the website or alternatively, download the email to another device as you’ll need to print them off to be scanned on entry.

What’s on
Your Committee
  • Victoria Marsh

    Victoria Marsh

  • Danielle  Di Lorenzo

    Danielle Di Lorenzo
    (Vice Chair)

  • Gemma Shrubbs

    Gemma Shrubbs

  • Louise Boyle

    Louise Boyle

  • Hayley  Friar

    Hayley Friar

  • Hayley  Jackson

    Hayley Jackson

  • Brinkman Joanne

    Brinkman Joanne
    (Media Secretary)

Can you help?

We can’t put on these amazing events without your help. If you can help us, we still need the following volunteers:

Fathers Day shopping event (Monday 03 June)

Fathers Day shopping event helpers 09:00 - 11:30 2