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Your association is run by a committee elected by you, the members, to run the association on your behalf. These committee members have to be elected in at a General Meeting or co-opted onto the committee at some point throughout the year.

The committee is formed of officers plus ordinary committee members. The officers take the role of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

There are a number of other roles on the committee such as Fair Organisers, Cake Sales Manager, Disco Organisers and Class Reps.

We are always looking to add new members to our team. If you are interested in joining our committee then please email for more information.

Jemma  Ware
Jemma Ware

Claire Williams
Claire Williams

Joanne Thomas
Joanne Thomas
Vice Chair

Luke Hart
Luke Hart

Nicola Beauvois
Nicola Beauvois

Samantha Pearce
Samantha Pearce
Communications Officer

Abbie Forbes
Abbie Forbes
New Uniform Coordinator

What’s on

Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.

Your Committee
  • Jemma  Ware

    Jemma Ware

  • Claire Williams

    Claire Williams

  • Joanne Thomas

    Joanne Thomas
    (Vice Chair)

  • Luke Hart

    Luke Hart

  • Nicola Beauvois

    Nicola Beauvois

  • Samantha Pearce

    Samantha Pearce
    (Communications Officer)

  • Abbie Forbes

    Abbie Forbes
    (New Uniform Coordinator)

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Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

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