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Booko Club 2017-2018

Tickets / Products
There are currently no products for sale.
Further Information
Booko Club - The contribution where you can win something back!
Booko Club is back with a bang! 
Monthly Prizes:
1st Prize   - £20 National Book Voucher
2nd Prize  - £10 National Book Voucher
3 Runner's up choose a funky bookmark from our Booko Box
The Booko Club draw is done once a month as part of the Thursday Celebration assembly. Since it launched 4 years ago the Booko Club has contributed over £1900 towards the upkeep of the libraries allowing Mrs Thomas to purchase extra books which, help to enrich all of our children's education and knowledge!
More importantly the children look forward to the draws and get involved both picking out the balls and of course winning!
Cost for school year 2017/18:

One ticket £10
Two tickets £20
Three tickets £30
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to play so if you'd like to be part of it you can:
Email us directly, details at the end, and just send us a cheque via the office OR you can book your ticket here on the PA website (PayPal fees apply) OR you can transfer the cost directly to the Booko Account using your child's name and year as the reference i.e O. SCOBLE 3.
Account name: Book-O Club
Sort code: 30-96-86
Account number: 16298468

The first draw will be held on Thursday 28th September. Subsequent draws will be held monthly, with a Christmas Double Draw.
Any problems/queries  please contact or

What’s on

Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.

Your Committee
  • Chloe Gardner

    Chloe Gardner

  • Jo Green

    Jo Green
    (Vice Chair)

  • Charlotte  Jones

    Charlotte Jones

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Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

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