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We are a small group of parents who have got together last year to support the school in their efforts to make Penwortham greener and more sustainable.

Please join us if you would like to support this work. Everyone is welcome! And we need more people to help.

Contact us on or text Marion on 07726443357 or speak to us at the Summer Fair.

You can donate here:

Why are we doing this and why is this important?

Human caused climate change is going to increase extreme weather events in the near future, like floods, droughts, wildfires and extreme heat.

In addition to the direct impact of these, we continue to have serious air pollution in London which has physical and mental health impacts for children and adults.

For the children and teachers at our school, the 40-degree heat last year was difficult to manage, and many children stayed at home as parents were worried about sending them to school. The playground with mostly hard concrete or rubber surface and little natural/ tree shade gets unbearably hot even at temperatures below 40 degrees.

Introducing more green shade on a playground can considerably lower temperatures in the surrounding area, as well as provide benefits for mental health and wellbeing and improved air quality.

Schools are also asked to become more sustainable and energy efficient and include climate education in their curriculum. This includes teaching in and about the natural environment.

Below are some of our proposals that we have suggested to the school and that we are working to support.

Please also see RHS guidance on “Greening your School”,6:


1.     Creating more green roof structures - Benefits:

·      more natural shade on playground

·      cooler temperature

·      improving air quality

·      more CO2 absorption

·      greener environment is good for wellbeing

·      providing educational opportunities - learning about different plants and looking after them


·      i) planting parasol or roof form trees (see pictures)

·      ii) installing green roofs on suitable buildings which would also improve the insulation of the building for hot and cold temperatures.

·      iii) covering walls/ fences/ buildings/ pergolas with climbers.

Climbers have several advantages:

·      quick way of increasing greenery and shade

·      they take up very little soil space, and some are quite drought resistant.

·      In some locations it may be possible to plant edible climbers such as grape vines or kiwi fruit which the children can look after and harvest


2.   Installing water butts to collect rainwater from roofs - Benefits:

·      improving water efficiency

·      reducing water consumption/ -costs

·      reducing surface water run-off

·      providing untreated, free water for plants/ garden

·      providing educational opportunities - learning about water efficiency


3.   Installing a Hot Composter for food waste - Benefits:

·      collecting food waste from school meals means reducing overall waste and carbon footprint (eliminating potential methane source and CO2 from collection/ incineration)

·      producing homemade compost for school garden

·      providing educational opportunities - taking responsibility for looking after composter and learning about composting processes


4.   Future ideas:

Expanding school garden – could we find a little more space for raised beds for vegetables, fruit and flowers, perhaps a small greenhouse for raising plants in spring (subject to space and staff capacity) - Benefits:

·      increasing green areas on playground

·      relaxing/ calming space for children with SEN

·      providing outdoor classroom for education about all things gardening, healthy food, bugs and nature related

·      fresh produce for the school kitchen and cooking classes

·       opportunities for children to look after and take responsibility for the garden


5.   Engaging the school community

·      pupils could be involved in workshops to develop a greener Penwortham, by describing the problems (heat/ air pollution/ little green space) as well as developing ideas/ solutions.

·      PTA events could support fundraising and awareness raising

·      Parents with or without specific skills could support the project by volunteering

·      We could work together with and support the eco-warriors group at school

·      Collaboration with other primary schools could lead to mutual benefits and learning from each other

·      We have already made links with local community organisations for collaboration, which helps build stronger community links and support (e.g., TTT, Furzedown project, Plastic Free Furzedown, CREW Energy)


6.   Additional benefits:

·      The project would provide opportunities for learning about climate change, climate adaptation and how to increase climate resilience – for the children, teachers, and parents as well as the local community.

·      It would provide opportunities for the children to take responsibility for their environment and natural resources and become actively involved in positive action for the climate. We know that this is beneficial in countering climate anxiety which is an increasing concern for children and young people today.

·      Most of these measures would support strategies outlined in the Department for Education’s policy paper on “Sustainability and climate change: a strategy for the education and children’s services systems” (April 2022) and the Mayor of London’s project for climate resilient schools.


If you would like to get involved and support us, please sign up below, or contact us on or text Marion on 07726443357 or speak to us at the Summer Fair.

What’s on
Your Committee
  • Sarah Byron Evans

    Sarah Byron Evans

  •  Liz Frain

    Liz Frain

  • katie James

    katie James

  • Amanda Harris

    Amanda Harris

  • Nilufar Zaman

    Nilufar Zaman
    (Class Rep)

  • Trechia Folarin

    Trechia Folarin
    (Diversity Officer)

  • Rachael  Aldrin-Quaye

    Rachael Aldrin-Quaye
    (Sponsorship Officer)

  • Hannah Calver

    Hannah Calver
    (Nearly New Uniform)

  • Sally Webster

    Sally Webster
    (Website Coordinator)

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