Taking part in the 50/50 Lottery costs just £2 a month for one number, and you can have as many numbers as you like. Anyone can join - you don't need to be a parent of a child at the school - so please encourage grandparents, friends, family and anyone else you know to get involved. The more people play, the larger the prizes and the higher the amount we make for the school!
There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
The purpose of the PTA (Parents & Teachers Association) is to support the school by offering our time, skills, ideas and donations to provide enrichment activities and resources that will benefit all our children. It is also an opportunity to meet with other parents and get to know one another.
Knowl Hill C of E Academy PTA, Bath Road, Knowl Hill, Maidenhead, Berkshire, RG109UX
Registered with the Charity Commission as 1183612
2020 - 2024 Knowl Hill C of E Academy PTA
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E-Tickets will be dispatched to the email address you registered with along with your order confirmation. Please ensure you have the facility to print off your tickets or have them accessible on a mobile device so they can be scanned on entry to the event.