January Planning: Kickstarting the Year with Exciting PTA Events

January is the ideal month for PTAs to get a head start on planning an array of exciting and engaging events. These activities not only drive community spirit but also offer fantastic opportunities for fundraising and recruiting new volunteers.

Let’s take a look at the events that should be on your planning agenda for the early part of the year.

1. Mother's Day Cards (Sunday, 10th March)

Start planning a Mother’s Day card making activity now. This can involve art and craft sessions for pupils to create personalised cards. Consider selling card kits or organising a card making workshop. This activity not only celebrates mothers but also encourages creativity among pupils.

2. Pancake Toss Fundraising (Tuesday, 13th February):

Organise a Pancake Toss event and capitalise on the Shrove Tuesday tradition. Plan a pancake making and tossing contest, involving both pupils and parents. Ensure to arrange for ingredients, cooking stations, and safety measures and use your PTA Events platform to include special dietary requirements. This fun event can serve as a unique fundraising opportunity.

3. World Book Day (7th March):

For World Book Day, start planning activities like a book fair or a dress-up as a book character day which is widely done by many of PTAs on our platforms each year. Inspire with suggestions of a favourite book characters, or a read-a-thon. Engage local writers or storytellers for special readings and workshops. This event not only promotes reading but also supports literacy initiatives.

4. Barn Dance (April):

Plan a Barn Dance for April. This can include arranging a venue, hiring a band or DJ, and organising dance workshops. A barn dance is a great way to bring the community together for a night of fun and dancing.

5. Raffle / Prize Draw / Auction (April):

Start gathering items for a raffle, prize draw, or auction. This could involve reaching out to local businesses for donations or creating unique gift baskets. Plan the logistics of ticket sales and use the newly launched, fully integrated Raffle and Prize Draw service, fully streamlined to make your life easier using your PTA Events Platform. You can plan, add in your prizes, and take payment exactly how you do for all your events.

You can promote your events using the NEW unique QR code that’s auto-generated for every event on our platform. On the day of the draw – just log in, select the event, and click the "Hold Prize Draw" and the system does everything for you including notifying the winners of their prizes. This is a classic and effective way to raise funds that is now fully integrated into your PTA Events Platform.

6. Summer Fair (May):

Begin planning a Summer Fair, a highlight event for many PTAs. This involves organising stalls, games, food vendors, Raffle / Prize Draw to hold on the day and lots of great entertainment for everyone. Start early to ensure a well-organised and successful fair that offers fun for the whole family.

7. Tea Towel Sale (May):

Organise your tea towel sale! This can involve the children designing and selling custom tea towels. This is a great creative project for pupils and a unique fundraising activity with loads of fun.

8. Leaver’s Prom and Gifts (June):

Now is a great time to start planning the Leaver’s Prom and gifts as it will come around quicker than you think. This includes venue booking, theme selection, entertainment, and suggesting gifts for the teachers. This event is a huge event in the student’s calendars who will have already started to plan what they want to wear. Start planning and set up your event on your PTA Events platform now, so you can start creating a buzz that’s exciting for everyone.

With these exciting events on the horizon, January is the perfect time to start planning. Each event offers a unique blend of community building, fun, and fundraising opportunities.

Don't forget, if you don’t already have your very own PTA Events website, register today and take your fundraising to a new level… a super-hero level.

If you’re not already a PTA Events customer, register your PTA today!.

Are you a PTA organiser looking to streamline your event management process? Look no further than www.pta-events.com

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, PTA Events has become the go-to time-saving platform for all PTAs across the UK.

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Ideas on What Activities to Start Planning in February for Your PTA
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