How Can You Help?

How Can You Help?

How can you help?

Join the Friends of Branfil

The Friends of Branfil is run entirely by volunteers and all help whether an hour at an event or regularly attending our committee meetings - any and all help is needed. 

Our committee meetings are held at the start of each month in the Optimist Pub we are always looking for new parents to join our meetings and share their skills and ideas. As a lot of the events take a lot of work and preparation the more members we have the easier it is to run events smoothly and run more events.

Don't worry if you can't make every meeting all support is welcome.


Check our website 'Can I help?' section to see where we need help and please sign up, every hour counts and without your help, our events can't run. We have lots of events throughout the year that you can be a part of and help at.



We always welcome donations and they are a large part of what makes our events successful. If you have new unwanted items we can use as raffle prizes or for our tombolas please hand these in at the school office.


Attend Events

Look at our website to see our latest events
Or our notice board by the school office
Or via our emails and Facebook
Or our flyers


Discounts and Offers

We purchase a number of refreshments, prizes and stock for various events and we also use local companies for food for certain events.

If you can get a discount through work please let us know so we can get items at the best prices.

Also if you know any local companies that would like to sponsor us or advertise with us in our brochures please get in contact.


Matched Giving

A number of employers operate schemes called "Matched Giving" whereby your company matches the amount of your donation or the amount you raise through volunteering.

For example: A parent, who works for a company that offers matched funding, volunteers to help on a stall at the Christmas Bazaar, the profit made on that stall is matched or money is given up to a set amount by the company which doubles our money raised without any extra effort. This is a massive help to us and makes a huge difference to our fundraising.

Check with your HR department to see if your company does Matched Giving  if you would like any help filling in forms please contact us, below are a sample of some companies which offer Matched Giving:

Abbey National
Bank of England
Barclays Bank Bayer Plc
British Gas
Booker Plc
Bradford & Bingley
Cable & Wireless
Arla Foods
Yorkshire bank

Clifford Chance
Cornhill Insurance
Credit Suisse
J Sainsbury
Legal & General
Littlewoods PLC
Lloyds Bank
Marks & Spencers
National Grid
Norwich Union
Reuters Holdings
Royal Bank of Scotland
Royal London Mutual Ins
Tesco Plc
The One Account
W H Smith
Woolwich Plc.
O2 up to 350

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Friends of Branfil

Friends of Branfil, Branfil Primary School , Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2LW

Registered with the Charity Commission as 1077777