About Us

What’s On
About Us

Friends of QEGS welcomes all parents, carers and teachers who would like to join us to raise funds to support the educational experience of students at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School. We are currently a team of around 20 parents.

We recently donated a new minibus to school and are now raising funds for outside structures to shelter the children during break times and funding other small projects as they are needed throughout the year.

We meet in person once a term, with a welcome meeting for new parents in September, our AGM in December and organise a series of fundraising events during the year.

If you would like to come along and join us, we would be delighted to have you! Please email friendsofqegs@gmail.com to get in touch.

If you would like to support us, but are not able to help us in person, you can:

1.      Join our numbers club! – we run 10 draws a year with 50% of income used as prizes and 50% going towards our fundraising target. Each number costs £25 (plus 15p booking fee). To choose your number(s) and for further information, click here.

2.      Use easyfundraising for your online purchases – click here for more details. Online shops pay a commission when you start your shop from easyfundraising at no cost to you. So far we have raised £1,642.66!

3.      Donate outgrown uniform  - If your child has outgrown their uniform but it is still in good condition, please consider donating to us by handing in at reception. We sell this at events for a small price to raise funds and to ensure all students have access to uniform.

4.      Follow us on Facebook/Instagram – please consider following us, liking and sharing posts to your friends and family. You can also keep up to date with the results of our numbers club draw, events, minutes and dates of upcoming meetings. Facebook Instagram

Meet Your Committee
Joanna Fozard
Joanna Fozard


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Amanda Frizzel
Amanda Frizzel


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Lucy Cowling
Lucy Cowling


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Meet Your Class Reps

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Friends of QEGS Penrith




Friends of QEGS Penrith, Ullswater Road, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7TS

Registered with the Charity Commission as 1151175