What’s On


Using our code when ordering will not only generate much needed funds for the PTFA but you will also get free shipping on your order - a saving of £1.50

My Name Tags


Stamptastic's magic ink withholds 50 washes on care labels without fading. Customise your Personalised Name Stamps online.
Don't forget to use your PTA code: TW151EX or just click this link to help us earn commission for the Echelford PTFA.
Using our code to purchase the Deluxe bundle (£26.99) will give you a discount of £4.99 making it just £22 for a Personalised Name Stamp, Stamptastic Ink Pad and a fabric pen.

Easy Fundraising
Easy Fundraising

First News
First News

Echelford PTFA has partnered with First News – the UK’s only newspaper for young people.
Read and loved by over 2.6 million children each week in schools and home across the UK, and has been shown to improve reading and comprehension skill.
Reporting on the big news stories from the UK and around the world, First News explains current events in a way children can understand and enjoy.
First News is unbiased, politically neutral and fully independent and has been providing children with age-appropriate news for 15 years.
To make things even better, by becoming one of their partner schools, we have been given an introductory offer for our parents - try First News free for 6 weeks and if you continue to subscribe after your free trial, we will get money back to put towards our school.
For more information or to sign up for a no obligation free trial please use this link to ensure any paid subscriptions are correctly allocated to our school.
This is a fantastic opportunity to get your kids reading at home while helping the school raise money.
