The Academy Of Woodlands PTA members are all volunteers - We are parents, teachers, friends or family of children at The Academy Of Woodlands. We give as much time as we can even if it's just a few hours.
The events that we will run are not just about fundraising but are chosen because of the enjoyment & value they provide to pupils, their families & friends. Helping the PTA is a lot of fun, especially for the children of our members who get the opportunity to help out behind the scenes. If you would like to catch us around the school, key committee members to look out for are : PTA Committee Trusties - Chair: Julie Hynds Treasurer: Jackie Wint Secretary: Shakeira Lawson Teacher Liaison: Karli Walland/Jocey Bailey
AOW PTA, The Academy Of Woodlands, Woodlands Road, Gillingham , Kent, ME72DU
Registered with the Charity Commission as 1196848
2019 - 2024 AOW PTA
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E-Tickets will be dispatched to the email address you registered with along with your order confirmation. Please ensure you have the facility to print off your tickets or have them accessible on a mobile device so they can be scanned on entry to the event.