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Spring Scavenger Hunt!

Tickets / Products
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Further Information

Come and join us for our Spring scavenger hunt on Sunday 19 May. With the help of Miss Lewis, we have put together a spectacular seasonal trail around Tunbridge Wells Common, full of fun, fascinating and fabulous surprises.

Nature is at its best during the Spring months, so put on your wellies, grab your picnic blanket, pack some drinks and snacks and meet us at the Common for a great afternoon with friends.

There are prizes to be won, so don't miss out!

Meeting point is Wellington Rocks at 3:00pm! 


What’s on

Plant Sale and Garden Fair
14:30 - 16:30
The Wells Free School

Your Committee
  • Jenny  Brierley

    Jenny Brierley

  • Therese Webb

    Therese Webb

  • Donald Grant

    Donald Grant

  • Phil Hardy-Bishop

    Phil Hardy-Bishop

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Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

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