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Second Hand Uniform

Further Information

We have in stock good quality jumpers, cardigans and polos emblazoned with the school logo as well as school accepted trousers, shorts and skirts in most sizes.

Next order

Please order your uniform by Friday, 2 October 2020 to receive your uniform by our next available delivery date of Monday, 5 October 2020. Your order will be delivered to your child's classroom.

Donate to the PTA

We have an honesty box system for PTA second hand uniform sales. If you are happy with your order please donate what you feel appropriate and able to - either by posting cash in the school church letter box or by donating online to our fundraiser.

Donate to the PTA


Any unwanted items from your order or additional good quality school uniform you no longer need can be returned to the school reception.

 24/09/2020 (Thu)  21:15
What’s on

Unfortunately we don’t have any future events planned at the moment.

Your Committee
  • Tiffany Joby

    Tiffany Joby

  • Siobhan Wyatt

    Siobhan Wyatt
    (Event Coordinator)

  • Evelyn Obert

    Evelyn Obert
    (Website Coordinator)

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Please help us raise funds to support the children at St Peter’s! Thank you x

Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for

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