Did you know ?

Did you know ?

As a parent of a child at Cedarwood you automatically become a member of the Parents and Friends of Cedarwood.  You may ask what does this mean?  Well it means that, as a PFC member, you are welcome to attend the PFC committee meetings if you so wish and therefore help out with the running of the PFC.  By attending a committee meeting this does not mean you have joined the committee and does not sign you up to any commitments.  We appreciate that we all have busy lives and not everyone will be able to attend committee meetings. The committee meet around six times a year, but there are also various volunteer groups that may be required to meet on an ad hoc basis when planning a particular event.

So what do we ask of you as parents?

What we ask when we run events, which raise vital funds for the school, is that parents volunteer to help run the events along with the event organisers.  This may be helping out for as little as half an hour.  Volunteering slots can be booked on line by clicking here.  This shows what time slots are available and how many helpers are required for each time slot, and so making it clear exactly when you will be needed.

Please remember that the funds raised by the PFC allow the school to buy additional equipment that enhances the experience for the children of the school.  This could be sports or play equipment, tablets, laptops and other ICT equipment as examples.  The more volunteers that can help out means that we lighten the load, and so we are therefore not always relying on a few people.

The school have a great team of teachers, let us make our PFC a great team too.  This will aid and enhance the hard work that all the teachers provide and make your children's time at Cedarwood one that they can remember for a long time to come.

To find out more about Cedarwood Primary School visit their official website.


Your Committee
  • Natalia Horsfield

    Natalia Horsfield

  • Katie  Driver

    Katie Driver
    (Vice Chair)

  • Carly Goodall

    Carly Goodall

  • Jessica Calver

    Jessica Calver

  • Charlotte Castro

    Charlotte Castro
    (Social Media Coordinator)

  • Stuart Noble

    Stuart Noble
    (Website Coordinator)


As of December 2023 through to mid-January 2024, approx. £1,935 has been raised.

Can you help?

There are currently no tasks to volunteer for
